Friday, October 1, 2010

my tech work n the reasons which screwed my acads...!!! ;)

a 38KHz modulated IR TSOP...

the first time stepper motor rotated...
never stopped after that... ;)

my AWESOME line following robot... ;)

a battery level indicator for an N 'c' battery... ;)

one of the finest creations by me...
a two wheel balancing robot with SA-IMU
combined with accelerometer and gyroscope n stuff... ;)

sexiest object i have ever worked upon... ;)
expensive... 45k board + 5.5L worth of development environment... !!!

PSoC and ARM define the world today...
its AWESOME that i m in love with both n better i can really understand them...
{ increases the bond in our relationship... ;) }

a trio so perfect... ARM...AVR...ARDUINO
all above a MACBOOK PRO (my love for APPLE is never ending)


a PSoC first touch...
explains the power of a C51...
imagine what an ARM core on PSoC would do... !!!!

n for those of you non tech guys n gals who couldn't understand a single word above 
wont leave u disheartened !!!
m sure u will get this... me with my car
my experience : driving an ACCORD is like driving a spaceship... its AWESOME
